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Some Facts about Dake

Here are some facts: Finis Dake, Sr. devoted his whole life to quoting, looking over, studying and believing God’s Word. He did believe KJV was the best translation and most accurate.

The Gift he received of being able to quote scriptures anywhere and everywhere in the whole Bible, started at age 17 and the gift was used throughout his whole life in public or private.

The scriptures would come to him in KJV. God is the gift giver so we all would have to ask God why KJV if any of us every questioned that.

It is important to note that he never took glory for such a gift but respected God enough and honored Him enough to stay with scripture for answers even if it put him at odds with what others preached or said.

He wrote his 1st book Revelation Expounded age 24 but went to print couple years later.

He did live in the Alexander Dowie House in Zion, IL for 3 to 5 plus years. The Home was owned by Assembly of God. Now the Historical Society promotes the House as a landmark, however they don’t acknowledge, and leave void any Historical facts about Finis Dake and Dorothy Dake living in House. Rhoda Annabeth Dake was born in the House and her elder sister Finette Dake lived many of her early years up to age 11, in the house.

In the book “Finis Jennings Dake, His Life and Ministry” by Leon Bible, it is stated in the book as testimony to fact, Dake had a unique gift. He was challenged by ministers whether he had such a gift and they challenged him to quote the New Testament verbatim. So Dake agreed as long as the whole thing was aired on the radio. He sat behind a glass window in a large department store and he quoted Matthew to Revelation without opening the Bible. He gave number of each verse and indicated chapter changes. It touched many lives

Finis Dake was also a ghost writer for Pat Zondervan. He wrote the book “The Zondervan Expanded Concordance,” which includes all the words of the KJV and every word in 8 other Bible translations. A total of 9 translations in the expanded concordance.

Funds from this project helped pay for the 1st printing of Dake Bible.

Dake Bible notes were assembled and worked on over a period of 5 plus years from late 50’s to 1963. So God’s Plan for Man and Bible were worked and finished over period of approximately 8 to 10 years, the expanded concordance for Zondervan another 5 years. So between 1950 and 1967 the meat of His writings were done, while still preaching and speaking via church/conferences and also radio WGST for 13 years in Atlanta, Ga during that window of time.



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